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Want to get involved?

How can you help us get more people in Greensboro on bikes? Volunteer or Donate!


What kind of donations do we accept? Bikes, Bike locks, wheels, helmets, bike trailers, bike racks for cars, any additional bike equipment. Have something you want to donate but you're not sure if we take it? Send us a text (336) 338-8382 and we'll let you know!


Why donate bicycles and related supplies? We're able to give a second life to bicycles that aren't in use. We get bikes back out into the Greensboro community, particularly our workforce and refugee populations.


Below are our community partners that act as drop off spots for donations. Please double check their website for current business hours. You can also bring donations to the Barber Park Bike Shop during our Open Shop hours, Sundays 1-4pm.



How can you get involved and volunteer with us? Let me count the ways:

  • Come out to the bike shop on Sundays 1-4p. We always have work to do at the shop. On your first visit we'll give you a run down on shop operations and how you can help. You can organize bike parts, test bike tubes, sort helmets, shadow a bike mechanic, help run our bike library, and more

  • Social Media posts

  • Grant writing

  • Pick up donations

If you have a useful skill or passion that you think could help the shop grow and improve, let us know! We all have our special abilities that shape the future of the bike shop.

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