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(above) May 7th Wheels on the Greenway.


(below) Our donated and repaired bikes.

2017 Bikesboro Annual Report

   2017 was a busy year for Bikesboro. In January, Bikesboro was organized by Sheldon Herman, David Hampsten, Michelle Salinas, Gary Upham, and Matt Kelly. Bikesboro quickly became the premier bicycle advocacy organization for Greensboro residents who bike for transportation, rather than for recreation. Bikesboro found itself participating in local projects and events as the leading local bicycle group, as recognized by other groups.

   Bikesboro has developed based upon its members' interests, primarily towards infrastructure advocacy and consulting, assisting in local events, and rehabbing used bicycles for various social service providers.

   Early on, Bikesboro became engaged in a community service of removing unwanted bikes and rehabbing them for needy users in the community or recycling them.  We especially thank Church World Service, Every Campus a Refuge at Guildford College, and the Summit Rotary Club for their logistical help and on finding clients to receive our fixed bikes, as well as individuals, various groups and local bike shops for giving us over 500 donated bikes, especially Cycles De Oro, Trek, REI, UNCG, the Lindley Park Neighborhood Association, and the Summit Rotary Club.  Bikesboro provided over 250 donated and repaired bicycles for various community service organizations in Greensboro, especially for immigrants, refugees, and low-income individuals and children, including 30 bikes for the Sunday May 7th 2017 Wheels on Greenway event sponsored by Action Greensboro, the Summit Rotary Club and the Warnersville Community Center.  We have also expanded our relationships with our parts suppliers, meeting J&B Importers in Raleigh NC on February 26th and various manufacturers at the Cyclofest event in Charlotte NC on October 19th, as well as create accounts with Full Factory Distributors, Highway 2 Distributors, and Schwalbe Tires.  We even made the local news on December 6th when we collected 85 "evidence bikes" from our partners at the Greensboro Police Department.

2017 Bikesboro Annual Report Highlights:

  • Bikesboro has formed partnerships with 23 organizations

  • Collected over 500 used bicycles for repair or recycling

  • 200+ repaired bicycles given to immigrants and refugees

  • 50+ repaired bicycles given to low-income kids

  • 250+ bicycles recycled as scrap or used as art

  • We organized 1 public event & helped organize another

  • We were in 6 public events as recognized participants

  • We attended and testified at over 25 public meetings

  • 12.3 miles of new city bike ways were added in 2017:

    • 16th Street, Summit to Cone, 1.2 miles

    • Hill Street, Battleground to Wendover, 0.5 miles

    • Friendly Avenue, Dolly Madison to Westridge, 1.0 mile

    • Market Street, Eugene to Church, 0.4 miles

    • East Cornwallis Street, Church to Yancyville, 0.3 miles

    • Walker Avenue, Aycock to Market, 2.1 miles

    • East Bessemer Street, English to Burlington, 0.8 miles

    • Spring Garden Street, Masonic to Holden, 0.4 miles

    • Pinecroft Road, Vandalia to Holden, 0.5 miles

    • English Street, Market to McConnell, 0.9 miles

    • Creek Ridge Road, Randleman to Elm-Eugene, 0.6 miles

    • Glendale Drive, Holden to Donegal, 0.8 miles

    • M.L.King,Jr Drive, McGee to Florida, 1.4 miles

    • Rankin Road, Summit to Yancyville, 0.6 miles

    • Downtown Greenway, various segments, 0.8 miles

  • 1 Member appointed to a 3-year seat on the GTA Board

  • Bikesboro helped bring LimeBike to Greensboro

  • 4 Bikesboro projects approved by the city in 2017/18 Participatory Budgeting process for $44,000 total.

   During the year, we testified regularly at the monthly GUAMPO Technical Advisory Committee meetings, a regional government transportation project funding body, as well as at several City Council meetings, for improvements to bikeways, crosswalk treatments, and funding priorities.  We also actively participated at every quarterly City/MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting, developing constructive and friendly relationships with staff planners and engineers.  Our efforts helped in adding over 11 miles of new city bike lanes.  Bikesboro is especially proud that in July, with the help of various city bike shops, we got over 120 area bicyclists to sign a petition demanding new bike lanes on Hill Street in central Greensboro, which lead to GDOT to add the lanes on the popular bike street that they were not otherwise planning to do.

   As part of our bicycle facility advocacy, on February 17th we met with Daniel Amstutz of GDOT for a bike tour of a City Council funded and approved 2016 Participatory Budgeting bikeway in the Fisher Park and A&T areas.  In March, we advocated at a GUAMPO public open house for long-term bike improvements and sent a letter in critique of the MPO, asking for voting seats on the TCC and TAC bodies, as well as creating a new city transportation advisory board.  We participated in the May 5th Open Streets event.  We also conducted a "Celebrating the Bike Lanes" public event ride on Friday May 19th, with an 8-mile loop on new city facilities, as part of the official National Bike Week events in Greensboro.  On April 5th, Bikesboro's David Hampsten helped represent Greensboro at the annual all-day NCBikeWalk legislative rally in Raleigh NC.  On June 6th, City Council appointed him to a 3-year seat on the Greensboro Transit Authority Board, for District 3, through August 2020.  Also in June, Bikesboro members met with the executives of LimeBike Inc bike share, and convinced them to hire Matt Phillips as their local bike program manager.  In the fall, we also gave input at various public meetings related to the Downtown Greenway and A&Y Trail projects.

   In August, Bikesboro members, with UNCG Professor Mark Schulz, began a project to help transform Gate City Boulevard into a bike- and pedestrian-friendly corridor, by presenting a poster to faculty and students at the August 16th Welcome Back event. Several UNCG students, faculty, and staff, along with several community members, have since participated in various project meetings. Bikesboro has also applied for the UNCG Eco Fund grants for the project.

   In December, Greensboro voters approved 4 projects in the city 2017 Participatory Budgeting process that were nominated by Bikesboro: $15,000 for bike racks at two areas on Battleground in District 3 and $29,370 for pedestrian crossings for District 4, at Elam & Spring Garden and Muirs Chapel/Spring Garden at Market.

   Bikesboro actively encourages all community members to advocate for more improvements for bicycling, walking, and transit, including by participating in local events.  Thanks!

Bicycles collected from the Greensboro Police on Dec 6th

May 19th Celebration of New Bike Facilities Ride

Gate City Blvd Project

Hill Street Petition

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